Recycle Bin in Windows part 1
This 2 part API tip will show you how to
send files to, clear, and view Recycle Bin. In this article it is assumed
that your system settings are set to send the deleted files to the Recycling
Bin. Most of API material presented in this tip is also in API Viewer which
comes with Visual Basic. One function and several constants were not in API
Viewer. Please copy them for your own use. In part 1 you will learn how to
delete a file (thus send it to Recycle Bin) and how to clear the contents of
Recycle Bin straight from your app!
First of all, every time you delete a
file in Windows, a dialog box comes up asking if you want to send file to
the Recycling Bin. In this tip, do delete a file, I'll use Shell function
called SHFileOperation, which is declared in API Viewer as:
Public Declare Function SHFileOperation
Lib "shell32.dll" (lpFileOp As SHFILEOPSTRUCT) As Long
This function returns 0 if successful. Now you can
see that this function uses SHFILEOPSTRUCT which can be also found in API
Viewer. If you don't have API Viewer, here is the declaration:
hwnd As Long
'handle to a window, can be 0
wFunc As Long
'one of the 4 available constants shown later
pFrom As String
'string indicating a path to the file that function will work on (must be
zero terminated)
pTo As String
'string indicating the resulting file after operation
fFlags As Integer
'shown later
fAnyOperationsAborted As Long
hNameMappings As Long
lpszProgressTitle As Long ' only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS
End Type
wFunc can be one of the following
Public Const FO_COPY = &H2 'copy operation
Public Const FO_DELETE = &H3 'delete operation
Public Const FO_MOVE = &H1 'move operation
Public Const FO_RENAME = &H4 'rename operation, don't use with multiple
fFlags can be one of the following constants:
Public Const FOF_ALLOWUNDO = &H40
Public Const FOF_FILESONLY = &H80
Public Const FOF_MULTIDESTFILES = &H1 'The pTo member specifies multiple
destination files (one for each source file) rather 'than one directory
where all source files are to be deposited
Public Const FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = &H10 'Respond with "Yes to All" for any
dialog box that is displayed.
Public Const FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR = &H200 'Do not confirm the creation of a
new directory if the operation requires one to be 'created.
Public Const FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = &H8 'Give the file being operated on a
new name in a move, copy, or rename 'operation if a file with the target
name already exists
Public Const FOF_SILENT = &H4 'Do not display a progress dialog box
Public Const FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = &H100 'Display a progress dialog box but
do not show the file names.
will be used by VB programmers rarely and are not discussed here. So, copy
the API information presented here, and paste it into your module. Every
time I use API functions, I like to add to the project a Module where I keep
my all API declarations. It's convenient that way.
To send a file to a Recycle Bin, call
SHFileOperation with SHFileOPStuct wFunc member set to FO_DELETE. Here is
the example of the function that will delete a file:
Public Function Recycle(sFilename
As String, bSilent As Boolean) As Boolean
'recycles the file specified in sFilename
On Error GoTo er
Dim rc As Long
With shfo
.wFunc = FO_DELETE 'set the flag to delete the file
.pFrom = sFilename & Chr$(0) 'zero terminate file name
.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO + FOF_NOCONFIRMATION 'some additional flags
'check if we want silent or with progress bar delete
If Not bSilent Then .fFlags = .fFlags + FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS
End With
'perform the operation
Recycle = (SHFileOperation(shfo) = 0)
Exit Function
er: Recycle = False
End Function
Pretty straightforward operation: set
SHFILEOPSTRUCT members to the values you want, and then call SHFileOperation
function with the structure passed to it. SHFileOperation can be reused for
other purposes, like moving, copying, and renaming files.
So you can delete a file, but that's not
too impressive! Files can be easily deleted many other ways. Here is
something impressive: emptying the contents of the Recycle Bin straight from
your app! Here is the function that will do the trick:
Public Declare Function SHEmptyRecycleBin Lib
"Shell32" Alias "SHEmptyRecycleBinA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal _
pszRootPath As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
This function is not present in API Viewer! It was
taken from MSDN Library. Copy the declaration and use it as you wish! hwnd
parameter can be 0, pszRootPath should be a string to a drive letter
containing your Recycling Bin. When I tested the app, it seemed not to
metter which drive letter you pass, so just pass C: all the time. If you do
notice that it matters what letter is passed, please let me know. dwFlags
also were not in API Viewer and were taken from shellapi.h file.
Public Const SHERB_NOSOUND = 4
Using this function is relatively simple,
here is the example:
Public Function EmptyRecycleBin(Optional
hwnd As Long, Optional bSilent _
As Boolean, Optional sRBLoc As String) As Long
'empties the recycle bin
On Error GoTo er
Dim lFlags As Long
'check for correct handle to window
If IsNumeric(hwnd) = False Then hwnd = 0
'see if silent or not
If bSilent Then lFlags = SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI
'empty the recycle bin
EmptyRecycleBin = SHEmptyRecycleBin(hwnd, sRBLoc, lFlags)
Exit Function
EmptyRecycleBin = -1
End Function
Easy! Don't you think? Next tip will show you how
to open Recycle Bin from your application! It's really cool.
Written By Laimonas Simutis. 2002.