About vbXzone
My name is Laimonas Simutis and I provide all the articles and links that you see in this site.
I have been programming with Visual Basic since VB4. Besides VB I'm also proficient in C++, Java, and
.NET framework programming. I believe that VB is a very powerful programming tool that can be
used (and is used) in many projects. You will hear a lot of talk about language shortcomings and bunch of
other things that make VB look bad (some of them are true).
I accept C++ superiority and use the language a lot, however VB gives me a lot of pleasure and have
tought me so many things that I would have never found out without VB.
Well, I hope that articles and tips are useful. If you have any comments or questions that have to
do with this site and/or programming, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for visiting!
For more personal site, go to http://omega.cs.iit.edu/~laimis
My resumes: Resume in doc format and Resume in pdf format
Made By Laimonas Simutis. 2002.